1,066 Tickets 45 Impaired Drivers Arrested During the June 4th, 2021 Weekend
State Police in Troop F, which covers Rockland County, issued 1,066 vehicle and traffic law violation tickets during the June 4, 2021 weekend.
From 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 4, 2021 through 5:00 a.m. Monday, June 7, 2021, New York State Troopers in Troop F issued tickets for 177 speeding violations, 30 distracted driving violations, 288 seatbelt violations, 118 child restraint violations, 6 move-over violations, and removed 45 impaired motorists from the roadway.
State police also responded to 42 vehicle accidents and one fatal crash. Troop F includes Rockland, Orange, Sullivan, Ulster, and Greene Counties.