25 Acres Preserved In Rockland County With Open Space Acquisition Program
Rockland County Executive Ed Day and Rockland County Legislature Chairman Jay Hood Jr. announced the first three parcels purchased and preserved under the County’s Open Space Acquisition Program since its revival in 2020. The three parcels acquired and announced Tuesday apprised of 25 acres include 1015 and 1019 Route 45 in Pomona and 20 New Valley Road in New City.
“What makes this program so special is the collaboration involved to reach this point,” explained County Executive Ed Day. “The public first nominates the properties that are then vetted by our Open Space Advisory Committee made up of representatives from the Division of Environmental Resources, Department of Planning, Department of Health, Office of Fire and Emergency Services, and Drainage Agency. Field inspections are then done, and each property is scored using a point system based on their attributes.”
“It’s very exciting to be here and preserve these 25 acres and hopefully we’ll have some more purchases in the future to preserve the land for the people that won’t be developed,” said Legislative Chair Jay Hood Jr. “It’s thrilling to use funds in such a way that it really gives back to the people.”
In total, 16 properties consisting of 23 lots were nominated. Of those, six were recommended for acquisition by the committee with the County ultimately deciding to acquire the four top-rated.
The remaining properties are expected to be purchased by the end of the year, totaling another 24 acres saved by the Open Space Acquisition Program.
The announcement was made Tuesday morning at Haverstraw Bay Park, the very first property purchased by the County of Rockland for this program back in 1999 as a bicentennial gift to residents.