35% Increase in Foster Care As City Continues Plan To House Illegal Immigrants In Rockland County

In just a few months natural migration has resulted in a 35% increase in children in foster care, 1,000+ kids in a single district, & nonprofits assisting double or triple the number of families they did a year ago, in addition to a severe housing and affordable housing issue that is resulting in many people piling into unsafe living conditions.

“Despite all these concerns, which have been echoed overwhelmingly by our residents, the City of New York and Mayor Eric Adams yesterday finally communicated directly with our office to indicate they were proceeding with their plans,” the county said in an update on the State of Emergency. “But as this is a home rule state, the city does not have that authority over the County and Town which are taking a multi-pronged approach to stop what we know will become a one way ticket to homelessness for these 340 adults.”

The County also underscores as this is a pilot program by NYC we learned the Adams administration has been reaching out to other commercial properties including a hotel in Nyack trying to sec here more shelters in the County for migrants.

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