After Questions On Spring Valley Building Department Takeover, Day Says Rockland is Still Ready
“Rockland is Ready,” says Rockland County Executive Ed Day.
Questions and issues raised during a meeting of the Rockland County Legislature Tuesday night will not hinder or delay the County’s ability to enact the takeover of the Spring Valley Building Department, according to Day.
The takeover, which is scheduled for February 14th, was all but preordained after a fire tore through an assisted living facility, taking the life of one firefighter.
“I have been reassured by County Legislature Chairman Jay Hood that a vote on the Local Law necessary to enable this take over will be held during their next meeting, which is currently scheduled for Tuesday, February 1, 2022,” Day explained. “Rockland County is ready, willing, and able to take over the functions of the Spring Valley Building Department.”
The last two months have been spent preparing for the takeover by utilizing staff from the Rockland County Office of Fire and Emergency Services, Facilities Department, Purchasing Department, Information and Technology Services, Law Department, Personnel Department, Finance Department, Office of Consumer Protection, and the Office of the County Executive to complete the organizational work required.
“As soon as we are empowered to do so, Rockland County will act to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents, business owners and first responders within the Village of Spring Valley,” said Day.