Agudah’s Rockland Office Hosts New Schools Training

Earlier this week, the Agudath Israel Rockland Regional Office hosted a New Schools Training in the Monsey area. As the general Monsey community rapidly grows, new schools and yeshivos are opening to meet the demand. This presentation, geared towards school administrators, was organized because Agudath Israel‘s Yeshiva Services division recognized a demand for a comprehensive review of the regulations, requirements, government programs, and funding available to yeshivos in New York State. Though the program took place in Monsey, school administrators from as far as Brooklyn and Long Island took advantage of the unique opportunity.

Interest in the program exceeded expectations. Administrators of new schools were in attendance, as well as new administrators for existing schools and seasoned professionals looking for a refresher course. Attendees walked away with a clear understanding of what it takes to start and run a school in New York State.

Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, director of Yeshiva Services commented, “New York State’s funding and programs for nonpublic schools come with a substantial regulatory burden. There is nowhere else that a school can go to become educated regarding the full range of opportunities and requirements. Agudas Yisroel is proud to be able to present this and stands ready to assist schools with the myriad issues that arise.”

Rabbi Shragi Greenbaum, director of Agudah’s Rockland regional office, said, “It was my pleasure to host this event as part of the services that the Rockland regional office makes available. I am happy to meet with any school administrator to help ensure that their students are receiving the benefits they deserve.”

“Thank you to Agudath Israel, Rabbi Pinkus and the entire Yeshiva Services team for the informative, comprehensive in-service. It was invaluable for those of us starting new yeshivos, B’ezras HaShem!” said attendee Rabbi Sheftel Skaist, Menahel of Yeshiva Derech HaTorah of Monsey (YDHM).