Agudath Israel Works Together with Local Government to Work on Identifying a Solution to Rockland Transportation Challenges

As the Orthodox Jewish communities in Monsey continue to expand beyond the centrally located East Ramapo school district, the surrounding districts face challenges accommodating the needs of their new yeshiva students. The challenge is particularly acute regarding transporting 35,000+ yeshiva students to over 100 schools.

Agudath Israel held many meetings with individual district superintendents to try to come up with a solution. Following these individual meetings Agudath Israel recognized the need to meet with all of the district superintendents together.

Recently, Agudath Israel’s Rockland Regional office did just that at a meeting with the Rockland BOCES: The Boards of Cooperative Educational Services for the eight Rockland County school districts. Rabbi Shragi Greenbaum, director of Agudah’s Rockland regional office, Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, director of Yeshiva Services, and Ami Bazov, Esq., associate director of Yeshiva Services, explained to the board the history of Agudath Israel and its role in Rockland County and elaborated on the benefits of the districts’ collaboration with Agudath Israel.

“The superintendents were impressed with the breadth and impact of Agudah and are eager to follow up and increase collaboration,” said Rabbi Greenbaum. “We look forward to continuing our collaboration and coming up with a solution together with the superintendents. Thank you to Christopher D’Ambrese, district superintendent, and to Amy Albers, Ed.D., chief operating officer and deputy district superintendent for inviting us and hosting the meeting.”