An Evening of Education, Insight and Awareness On Body Image and Eating Disorders


A women’s only evening of education and awareness will be taking place tonight in Monsey for the Jewish community.

The event is organized to help educate the community on issues of body image and eating disorders.

The event will host a lineup of prestigious speakers, including Dr. Phillip S. Mehler, the founder and Executive director of ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders at Denver Health, Psychologist Debbbie Marton, Dietitian Iris Epstein, from Nutrition Improvement Center, and Rabbi Tzvi Steinberg, the Rav of Kahal Zera Avraham in Denver.

The event will be moderated by Psychologist Yitzchak Schechter, Chief Clinical Officer at Achieve Behavioral Health.

The event will include a Question and Answer session.

When: Wednesday February 26th, at 8:00pm

Where: Garden paradise Hall 27 Orchard St. Monsey, NY

Admission id Free. Light refreshments will be served.