Backlash To Ben & Jerry’s Boycott Grows Quickly


Just hours after popular ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s announced a boycott, stating that they will no longer be selling their product in the “Occupied Palestinian Territory”, the backlash by sellers began.

In New York City, nearly every major kosher supermarket announced their plans to stop selling the ice cream, including The Seasons chain store, Aron’s Kissena Farms in Queens, Gourmet Glatt and others.

On Facebook, Glatt Express Supermarket in Lakewood said “Due to the recent actions by Ben & Jerry’s, Glatt Express will no longer be carrying Ben and Jerry’s products. Am Yisroel Chai.” Store owner Dani Secemski told the Jewish Link that “Food, in general, should not be politicized, especially in this way. Glatt Express will always stand with Israel…and we are looking forward to carrying other brands of ice cream.”

A major fall away from the Ben & Jerry’s announcement was the Morton Williams Supermarkets, a chain store with fifteen stores in New York City, who announced that they will be reducing their stock of Ben & Jerry’s products by 70%, stop advertising for Ben & Jerry’s and consign the rest of its stock of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to the “least desirable” parts of the freezer sections, according to the New York Post.

The koher certifying organization for Ben & Jerry’s, the Kof-K, also announced that it was preparing a response to the boycott.

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