BDE: Rabbi Binyomin Katz, 78, OBM
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Binyomin Hakohen Katz OBM, of New Haven Connecticut. Rabbi Katz had a unique connection with the Rebbe, and was sent on secretive missions for the Rebbe in Soviet Russia. He passed away Tuesday Chol Hamoed Pesach, Yud Ches Nissan 5779.
He was 78 years old.
He is survived by his wife, Malka, and his children, Shneur Katz (New Haven, CT), Detty Leverton (Crown Heights), Shulamis Tenenbaum (North Miami Beach, FL), Shmaya Katz (New York), Sholom Ber Katz, (New Haven, CT), Mendel Katz (New Haven,CT), Alie Katz (New Haven, CT), Sara Leah Fridman (Crown Heights), Bassie Srugo (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Deena Lehr (Monsey, NY), Dovid Katz (Crown Heights), Yehudis Cohen (Kingston, PA), Yerucham Katz (Crown Heights), Brocha Lerman (Crown Heights), Chaviva New (Crown Heights), Sruly Katz (New Haven), and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
He is also survived by his siblings, Fraidel Bodenstein (Boro Park), Fishel Katz (Miami Beach, FL), and Avigdor (Victor) Katz, (Chicago, IL).
He was predeceased by his sister, Miriam Adolf obm.
Levaya to be held Wednesday, and will be passing by 770 Eastern Parkway at 2 pm..
Boruch Dayan Hoemes