BDE: Yanky Mayer, 59, OBM

With great sadness we report the untimely passing of Yanky Mayer OBM, a master of chesed whose work has helped tens of thousands during their times of need. He passed away on Friday, the 13th of Elul, 5782, following an extended illness.

He was 59 years old.

The founder of Misaskim, Yanky’s passion for chesed knew no bounds. From helping with shiva supplies, arrange burials, ensuring Kovod Hames, to project yedid and his support for yesomim, his work touched every corner of the Jewish world.

The Levaya is scheduled for 10:30am Friday morning, in Boro Park, with the Kevura in Woodbridge, NJ.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

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