Benny Friedman Releases New Song and Video: Rebbi, It’s All From You!
In recent years, Chasdei Lev has released a number of inspiring songs and music videos, depicting the real life impact of our Rebbeim, teachers, and Moros. Today, we’re excited to release a new hit song and music video starring world-renowned, singing sensation Benny Friedman, titled “Rebbi, It’s All From You!”
At this time, Chasdei Lev is also proud to introduce Thank Your Teacher, a simple, convenient gifting platform where parents, talmidim and talmidos can show their Hakaras Hatov to their Rebbeim and Moros in a financial way. The platform’s easy convenience means that parents can finally take care of gifting in the moment, instead of postponing and possibly forgetting about it altogether. All funds are sent directly to the selected Rebbi or Morah, along with your personal note of gratitude.
Over the years, we’ve done our best to spread awareness about the importance of thanking our devoted Rebbeim and Moros, the incredible individuals who are mechanech our children, day in and day out, with unwavering commitment and dedication. Thank Your Teacher is the perfect opportunity to show our gratitude to them. They are not only the heroes of their students, but the heroes of Klal Yisroel. There is no one more deserving of our appreciation.
Join us in our mission!
To thank your Rebbi or Morah, go to https://thankyourebbi.com/