Big Reprieve for Foreign Students Seeking Entry to Israel for Upcoming School Year
by Rabbi Zvi Gluck
In recent months, the process of getting student visas for Israel travel has been an exceptionally challenging and lengthy process, with months-long waits that created tremendous financial difficulties and other significant hardships. Amudim has been working closely with the Israeli Consulate in New York and was blessed to be able to develop a system by which countless students were able to receive their visas without long wait times for appointments.
Fortunately, thanks to concerted efforts by individuals and government agencies, a new system has been implemented that will allow thousands of students to travel to Israel seamlessly and swiftly.
This new system, created through the tremendous efforts and dedication of officials at the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz of the Igud and Eretz Hakodesh, allows schools to seamlessly submit visa requests for students ages 16 through 25. This process will free students of the burden of going through the rigorous application process on their own and, best of all, will allow thousands of students to receive their entry permits and focus on their studies instead of bureaucratic paperwork. Students ages 26 and up are still able to contact Amudim for assistance by visiting our student visa page on our website www.amudim.org/visa which is updated regularly.
We at Amudim are grateful to have had the opportunity to help Israel-bound students over the last few months together with our devoted partners at the Israeli Consulate in New York and are confident that the new system will benefit thousands. We appreciate the trust placed in us by the many parents and students whose continued patience and respect for the application and approval process allowed our team to focus on getting visas issued as efficiently as possible.
As we have seen over the last several months, Israel often makes travel changes without any notice and we remain committed to updating our travel page www.amudim.org/travel as quickly and efficiently as possible. We look forward to the days when traveling to Israel can return to what it once was. Until that time, we thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding.