UPDATED: Bingo’s Monsey Location Closed By Village over Social Distancing Violations

by Monsey.info

In an overreaching step taken by the Town of Spring Valley, a violation and closure order was slapped on Bingo Wholesalers Monsey location.

The suspicious closure is allegedly due to social distancing violations after a video of shoppers without masks was sent to the town.

The newly opened location had provided a cheaper shopping option for the Jewish community of Rockland County.

Update: The store has reopened.

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  • moishe

    zoom in the sign u will see it has some CO (Certificate of Occupancy) Building violation nothing to do with Covid 19 as the spring valley mayor attended the grand opening himself. It’s a safety in the building issue. They will fix it in a few minutes and it will be back open.

  • Anonymous

    was in there today…manager had no mask…people flaunting all over…nothing enforced