CARES ACT: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund – How Much Did Rockland’s Yeshivos Recieve, and How Much Goes To Students
by Monsey.info
A large chunk of change was disbursed to Higher Education Yeshivos as part of the Cares Act – which provided financial relief during the COVID-19 pandemic – and Rockland County’s Yeshivos got their fair share.
As part of the 2020 CARES Act, which provided stimulus and emergency aid for the United States to help through the COVID-19 pandemic, a bill called the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund or HEERF set aside $14 Billion to assist students of higher education.
As part of the bill, a defined portion of the money given to the institutions was required to be disbursed to the students to help with COVID-19 related expenses, such as lodgings, food, or medical expenses.
The decision for how much to disburse to each student depended on many factors, including the number of eligible students, exceptional circumstances, and the total amount awarded to the institution.
While not all of Rockland County’s Yeshivos fell into the category of a Higher Education Institution, at least five did.
Take a look at what each school received, and how much they received and are required to disburse to the students:
Yeshiva D’Monsey – Received Total: $182,423 To Be Disbursed To Students: $91,212
Yeshiva Shaarei Torah Of Rockland – Received Total: $136,261 To Be Disbursed To Students: $68,131
Yeshiva Shaar Ephraim – Received Total: $175,684 To Be Disbursed To Students: $87,842
Yeshiva Gedolah Kesser Torah – Received Total: $115,347 To Be Disbursed To Students: $57,674
Yeshivath Viznitz – Received Total: $1,198,248 To Be Disbursed To Students: $599,124
To put these numbers in context, Rockland Community College received a total of $3,626,632, of which $1,813,316 was to be disbursed to the students.