Chabad of Rockland Host Menorah Lighting With Public Officials


Chabad of Rockland hosted their annual Menorah lighting event this year with multiple public officials in attendance.

The event was organized by Rabbi Avremel Kotlarsky, executive director of Chabad of Rockland, and Rabbi Simcha Morgenstern, the organization’s director of outreach.

This impactful ceremony held outside the Rockland County Government offices in New City has a simple message – Light pushes out darkness.

The 15-foot menorah was lit, and attendees were invited to enjoy some refreshments, including individually-packaged jelly donuts, a traditional Hanukkah treat.

Chabad sponsors 15,000 public menorahs around the world.

Among the attendees were County Executive Ed Day, County Legislature Chairman Alden Wolfe, County Legislators Phil Soskin Aron and Lon Hofstein, County District Attorney Tom Walsh, County Clerk Donna Silberman, Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski, new CEO of Jewish Federation & Foundation of Rockland Ari Rosenblum, JFF Co-Board President Steve Gold, Clarkstown Town Supervisor George Hoehmann, and Rafi Silberberg, representing Assemblyman Mike Lawler, and Max Cordella, representing state Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick, as well as local families. John Lyon of the County Executive’s Office coordinated the event.