Chabad Shluchim in Australian Release Yom Kippur Music Video


Motti and Menachem Feldman, Chabad Shluchim in Australia, have taken to music videos to inspire their congregation locked down and unable to daven together.

“It’s hard to describe our emotions when recording this Nigun, knowing that tomorrow, for the first time since it’s opening, our Shule will be closed for Yom Kippur,” the Feldman’s wrote.

This Song is from the Slichos service sung on Yom Kippur night shortly after Kol Nidrei.

“We closed our eyes, and our hearts were transported to Yom-Kippur pre-covid. The spirit, energy and inspiration of the whole community gathered together, carried us from year to year,” they wrote. “We sing this prayer, in an empty Shule, with our dear members and friends in mind. Nothing can really break us apart. In our soul we are always one, and in our prayers we are always together.”

“We look forward to the moment that we will all once again daven and celebrate together in our beautiful Shule. We know that day is near. May Hashem bless our community and all of Am Yisrael with a Gmar Chasima Tova. May all our prayers be heard in heaven and may the coming year bring with it healing, peace and blessings to all of us, Amen.”