Chaverim Search and Rescue Undergoes Training to Sharpen Skills

Chaverim of Rockland’s Search and Rescue team underwent special training in wilderness rescues. The training was part of periodic training courses to sharpen their skills and keep the team current with the latest technologies. The course was given by wilderness expert and Director of Yagilu, Rabbi Prero.


Members of Chaverim Search and Rescue team underwent wilderness rescue training with Israeli wilderness expert Rabbi Prero and his team. Chaverim’s Search and Rescue team is made up of experienced hikers, who go through periodic training to sharpen their skills, and keep the team current with the latest technologies.

Rabbi Prero is the director of Yagilu wilderness, a wilderness camp that specializes in survival and navigation trips. Trained in wilderness survival, he and his team provided hands on instruction on wilderness search and Rescue.

Chaverim of Rockland just recently joined the many organizations that participated in the search for the the body of Rabbi Reuven Bauman OBM, after he did not return from attempting to save a boy who was pulled out into the ocean.

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One Comment

  • Victor

    Chaveirim of Rockland always in training “wow” keep up with your amazing work !