Cheder Chabad of Monsey, Setting Chinuch Ablaze
At Cheder Chabad of Monsey, we have made it our mission to instill in our children a burning passion for Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit. In a manner of מוסיף והולך ואור, we have added initiative after initiative, program after program over the last five years, setting the school ablaze with the light of Chassidus, Torah, and Mitzvos.
The rapid growth of the school has been all-encompassing, including major new initiatives in the area of academics, school culture, and administration. The timeline above gives an idea of the scale of incredible programs that our students benefit from.
One of the definite highlights is the Cheder Chabad Enrichment Program – a division of our school that caters to boys with learning disabilities. Built around the needs and abilities of the boys, the enrichment program makes school a fun, educational experience for boys who would otherwise be struggling in a classic classroom setting. Here, lessons are taught in small groups with more individualized attention. The boys study the regular Limudei Kodesh subjects, and partake in some more hands-on activities like woodwork, building, art etc.
As Cheder Chabad of Monsey continues to blaze forward, we need to ensure that we have the financial fuel to keep the Chinuch-fire burning. Please make a donation to this campaign to ignite a life-long passion for Yiddishkeit in the hearts of our students!
Cheder Chabad of Monsey is in midst of a $600,000 fundraising campaign. Here them reach their goal. DONATE HERE!