Clarkstown Superintendent Resigns Over COVID-19 Policies, BLM Presentation At The Behest Of Parents
The Clarkstown Central School District superintendent resigned Tuesday after the school board in Rockland County, New York, voted to oust him over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and a controversial Black Lives Matter student presentation.
In a letter, now-former Clarkstown Central School District (CCSD) Superintendent Martin D. Cox informed the school community that he was resigning from his position due to “personal reasons,” effective Sept. 15.
Cheers could be heard from parents at the school board meeting Tuesday night, who have criticized Cox for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and a student-led Black Lives Matter presentation, lohud reported. The BLM presentation was floated last year, but Cox eventually scrubbed the presentation and it was never shown publicly because parents complained that the slideshow was age inappropriate and anti-police.
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