Davening With A Niggun, From Simche Friedman
Chassidic singer Simche Friedman has released a new song with a lyrics clip from his debut album. This is a klezmer style Yiddish song that extols singing during Davening.
Simche shares the origin of the song:
“I came across a letter from the Mitteler Rebbe, Rabbi Dovber (son of the Alter Rebbe, the Baal HaTanya), where he writes, in his father’s name, that there is a tried and tested solution for problems with children, health and livelihood: “שיתפלל בשיר ובשמחה”.
“Awesome! I had heard of different ways and means to achieve success: increase fear of G-d, love of a fellow Jew, etc. But such sweet advice? Just sing while Davening? – Stunning! In my excitement I realized that “Fargenigen” rhymes with “Davven mit ah nigun”!”
“The chorus is a melody attributed to the Tzemach Tzedek, which I heard from R. Dovid Horowitz from Lod. It is a suggestion to the worshiper: since we are talking about singing during prayer, here is a song you can Davven with!”
“Ai . . . it’s Geshmak! Try it!”