District Attorney Tom Walsh Remembers The Forshay Attack
by Monsey.info
In a Statement from District Attorney Walsh on the 2nd Anniversary of the machete attack that took the life of Rabbi Yehosef Neumann, Walsh remembers the attack as “heinous” and gives his “heartfelt sympathies”.
See the full Statement below:
“Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the horrific machete attack that occurred at a Chanukah celebration in Monsey on December 28, 2019.
This henious attack claimed the life of Josef Neumann and injured several others. The attacker was bravely confronted by Josef Gluck, whose actions that night saved many lives.
My heartfelt sympathies go out to the family and friends of Mr. Neumann and the injured parties. My office continues to work diligently on this case.
Rockland County will not stand for such atrocious crimes committed against our fellow citizens.”
The machete attack in Monsey occurred just two weeks before District Attorney Walsh was sworn-in as Rockland County District Attorney.