Drunk and Drugged Driving Crackdown Over the July 4th Holiday
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the New York State Police and local law enforcement agencies across the state will increase patrols and crack down on drunk and drugged driving and other traffic infractions this 4th of July weekend. State Troopers will conduct sobriety checkpoints and target reckless and aggressive driving statewide to keep New York highways safe during one of the busiest summer holidays for travel.
The campaign will begin this Friday, July 2 and run through Monday, July 5.
“With all that we’ve been through over the last sixteen months, we certainly want New Yorkers to have fun this holiday weekend and celebrate, but we also want them to do so responsibly,” Governor Cuomo said. “Getting behind the wheel while impaired is a choice that often ends in tragedy. Make the right choice this year and plan ahead for a sober and safe ride home.”
Last year, the State Police issued nearly 9,214 vehicle and traffic tickets during the 4th of July weekend. Troopers arrested 180 people for DWI and investigated 456 crashes and one fatality.
New York State Police Superintendent Kevin P. Bruen said, “Troopers will be out in force and highly visible this weekend, on the lookout for impaired, drugged, and reckless drivers. Our message is simple: If you drink and drive, you will be arrested. Stay safe and don’t make a bad decision that costs your life or the life of someone else.”
During this enforcement period, drivers can expect a number of sobriety checkpoints and DWI patrols. Law enforcement will also be looking for motorists who are using their phones and other electronic devices while behind the wheel. Drivers should also remember to “move over” for stopped emergency and hazard vehicles stopped on the side of the road when they travel New York roadways.
Troopers will be using both marked State Police vehicles and Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement vehicles as part of the operation. The CITE vehicles allow Troopers to more easily identify motorists who are using handheld devices while driving. These vehicles blend in with every day traffic but are unmistakable as emergency vehicles once the emergency lighting is activated.