Enormous Missionary Building Project Up For Public Comment in Rockland County
by Monsey.info
A proposal for an enormous Missionary “Tower” is up for comment in Rockland County, as the project takes one step closer to becoming an alarming reality.
The Town of Ramapo announced that it will be accepting public comment on the proposed new World Headquarters of the JW Audio/Video Production Center now that the DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) is complete.
The 1.7 million-square-foot project, known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, is slated for 155 Sterling Mine Road, and will include offices, maintenance and set production workshops, accommodations for resident staff include 645 residential units, dining/assembly spaces, recreation/wellness/fitness facilities, and a clinic.
The project plans, which sprawl over 249 acres, of which 242 are located in Ramapo, also include a Visitors Center.
The JW, an active missionary group, has targeted Jewish communities extensively in the past with personal; letters, mailing campaigns and door knocking.
The religious order purchased the land in 2009 for $11.5 million and has been battling since to make their dream headquarters a reality.
There is a DEIS hearing on May 26th and public comments will be accepted until June 21st.