FBI Publishes 2020 Hate Crime Statistics, Anti-Jewish Crimes Lead The Religion Category
by Monsey.info
Today, the FBI released Hate Crime Statistics, 2020, the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program’s latest compilation about bias-motivated incidents throughout the nation.
The 2020 data, submitted by 15,136 law enforcement agencies, provide information about the offenses, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes.
In total, law enforcement agencies submitted incident reports involving 7,759 criminal incidents and 10,532 related offenses as being motivated by bias toward race, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender, and gender identity.
Of the 1,174 biased incidents in the category of religion, anti-Jewish incidents took the lions share with a total of 676 reported incidents.
This is a overall drop of religious bias incidents from 1,536 in 2019, and a drop in anti-Jewish incidents to from 963 in 2019.