Free Childcare in New York for “Essential Workers”

The $25 Million NYS Essential Worker Scholarship fund covers childcare costs for essential workers. This can potentially cover daycamp, school and other childcare costs for all your children.

The term “essential worker” is very broad and includes childcare, education (including teachers, therapists and anyone else who works in a school), retail workers, medical, construction, and many more fields.

Check to see if your work is considered “essential”.

The scholarship covers the full childcare costs of each eligible child, up to the weekly “market rate”. It will be paid week by week, until the fund runs out. We don’t know when the funds will run out, but the fund should get replenished when the $25 Million is used up.

To see more details: Click Here

Apply Here

You need a account in order to apply. If you don’t have one yet, register for one before applying.

See this helpful video walk-through on how to complete your application.

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