Fund Launched To Help The Families of the Miami Tragedy
by Monsey.info
With four people already confirmed having died, 120 people accounted for, and 159 still unaccounted for, the huge tragedy of the collapse of the residential building in Miami has only begun to be felt.
While we may not be able to save lives like the rescue workers or be in the scene to comfort grieving families, we can show our support by helping those who have suddenly lost loved ones, their homes, and everything they owned.
A fund has been launched by the Chabad Shul of Bal Harbor to help those affected by the tragedy, and every dollar donated will go directly to those affected families.
To Donate: Click Here
Rabbi Rephael Tennenhaus of Chabad of South Broward has also called on people to add in Mitzvos.
“May all Jewish women and girls over three years old light the Shabbat candles today 18 minutes before sunset,” he wrote in a letter to his community. “May all Jewish boys over 13 and Jewish men put on Tefillin today. As we pray for a miracle to find our loved ones alive, we also beseech G-d to end our dark Galut – exile, and bring peace and Redemption to our people Israel and to all of mankind.”
To Donate: Click Here