Google Search For The Word Jew Populates Offensive Result


The question used to be “who is a Jew?”, but according to Google it should be “What is a Jew?”

In what can only be hoped for as a colossal misunderstanding, or perhaps a warped algorithm, Google search for “Jew” comes up with the offensive definition “bargain with someone in a miserly or petty way.”

The head scratching part? Every following entry on googles first page of search results speaks about the Jewish people, and has it right.

Come on Google.

The discovery of the trope sparked outrage among Jewish people and organizations.

“When one enters “jew” into the Google search engine, a grotesque antisemitic trope comes up,” Stop AntiSemitism wrote on Twitter. “This is in unacceptable @Google”.

The Tweet, viewed nearly 30K times in just a couple of hours, has already been retweeted and commented dozens of times.