Help Complete The Unity Menorah by Adding Your Virtual Brushstroke
As we celebrate the Year of Hakhel, join us in creating the Unity Menorah – a Menorah made of collective brushstrokes both real and virtual.
The Menorah is a symbol of the triumph of good versus evil and light over darkness. As we are living in times when the world is in need of much light and goodness, technology enables us to come together and be part of creating a symbol of light in a very unique way. This project seeks to incorporate two very special Mitzvos, Hakhel and Pirsumay Nissa – through utilizing technology.
The public is invited to submit their digital brushstroke and signature by visiting UnityMenorah.com. There are also times listed on the website to add an in-person brushstroke on the Unity Menorah canvas which is currently located at Center For Jewish Life on Long Island, NY.
Visit UnityMenorah.com