High Speed Chase In Hillcrest Ends in Wreck

by Monsey.info

A high-speed chase in Hillcrest last night ended with a wreck after a driver attempted to outrun the Police.

The incident began Monday evening after a Ramapo Police Officer attempted to pull over a white sedan for speeding. Instead of stopping the car instead sped up, attempting to get away from the police.

The car lost control on Inwood Drive, striking a Utility pole nose first, snapping the pole at the base.

The operator of the sedan, an 18-year-old female from Montebello, NY, and a the 23-year-old male from New Hempstead NY, were both transported to the hospital in serious condition, according to reports.

According to the Ramapo Police Department, the driver was charged with Unlawful Fleeing a Police Officer 3rd degree, a misdemeanor, Reckless Driving, a misdemeanor, Aggravated Unlicensed Operator 3rd degree, a misdemeanor & Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, a violation.

The passenger was charged with Criminal Possession of Marijuana 4th degree, a misdemeanor.

Both were released without bail & advised to come to court on a future date.

Photo Credit: Ramapo PD Facebook