Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Applications Available
Rockland County families with low incomes can apply for grants to help pay for their heating bills under New York State’s Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
“HEAP offers a lifeline to individuals and families who struggle to pay their heating bills,” said Commissioner Joan Silvestri. “With the cold winter months approaching, it is important to get this assistance to those who need it most.”
The amount of the benefit depends on income and family size and payments are made directly to the utility company. To be eligible, single persons living alone must have a monthly gross income no higher than $2,852.
Monthly income limits for larger households are as follows:
Number of People | Monthly Income Limit |
2 | $3,730 |
3 | $4,608 |
4 | $5,485 |
5 | $6,363 |
6 | $7,241 |
7 | $7,405 |
8 | $7,570 |
9 | $7,734 |
10 | $7,899 |
11 | $8,064 |
12 | $8,228 |
13 | $8,778 |
Greater than 14+ | Income limit is increased by $590 for each additional person |
Regular HEAP:
Residents do not have to be facing a shut off to receive a regular HEAP benefit. The one-time per HEAP season regular benefit ranges from a $21 – $50 renters benefit to a maximum of $976 per household when heating with oil, kerosene, propane and $476 for gas and electric.
The 2022-2023 HEAP season opens Tuesday November 1, 2022, and is scheduled to close March 15, 2023, or until program funds are exhausted.
Early outreach applications were mailed to all non-Temporary Assistance or SNAP (TA/SNAP) households who received a Regular HEAP benefit for the 2021-2022 season. A phone interview is not required for these applicants, but the households must provide updated proof of any earned income.
New and returning HEAP applicants can apply online at www.mybenefits.ny.gov or by mail. New HEAP applicants will be called for a phone interview. Please call the HEAP Department at 364-3480 or 364-3212, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. if you want a paper application or if you have any questions.
The following organizations can assist clients with completing a HEAP application:
Community Improvement Council (Spring Valley) 845-354-4100
Community Outreach Center (Monsey) 845-356-9600
WestCOP (Haverstraw) 845-738-0688
IMPORTANT NOTE: Applicants must provide proof of U.S. citizenship or permanent residence and social security or citizenship status cards for the entire household; their latest fuel bill, shut-off notice, if applicable; rent receipt or mortgage statement; last four pay stubs; proof of other income, SSI, SSA, Unemployment Insurance, Workers’ Comp, etc.; proof of child support; and wages or current school schedule for all children in the household 18 years of age and over. If you are self-employed, in addition to the above you may provide your 2021 taxes and three months of your most recent business and personal bank records to verify income.
Emergency HEAP:
A one-time emergency benefit may also be available for those households that are without the means to pay their bill and who have received a Termination Notice from their utility provider. Households heating with oil, kerosene, or propane may receive an emergency HEAP benefit if they have ¼ of a tank or less of heating fuel. The emergency benefit ranges from a $185 heat related benefit to a maximum of $900 per household for heating with oil, kerosene, propane.
The emergency benefit is $585 for gas and electric accounts. Applications for Emergency HEAP will be accepted from January 3, 2023, through March 15, 2023, or until program funds are exhausted. If program funds allow there may be an addition Emergency HEAP benefit available later in the HEAP season.
Residents who receive a Termination Notice from their utility provider should fax the notice to the HEAP Unit at 845-364-3130 or can email a copy of the notice to RocklandHEAP@dfa.state.ny.us. Households heating with oil, kerosene, or propane should contact the HEAP department if they have ¼ of a tank or less of fuel so they can apply for an emergency benefit.
Everyone should provide a daytime phone number along with the Termination Notice. TA/SNAP recipients should also include their Case Number. Individuals will be contacted for an Emergency HEAP phone interview to determine if they are eligible for the emergency benefit.