Home Energy Assistance Programs Applications Available to Rockland Residents

Rockland Times

Rockland County Executive Ed Day and Commissioner of Social Services Joan Silvestri announced that beginning on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, Rockland County families with low incomes can apply for grants to help pay for their heating bills under New York State’s Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).

“HEAP offers a lifeline to individuals and families who struggle to pay their heating bills,” said Commissioner Silvestri. “With the cold winter months approaching, it is important to get this assistance to those who need it most.”

The amount of the benefit depends on income and family size and payments are made directly to the utility company. To be eligible, single persons living alone must have a monthly gross income no higher than $2,494. Monthly income limits for larger households are as follows:

Number of
Monthly Income Limit
Greater than 11
Income limit is increased by $553 for each additional person

Note: Anyone who is living in federally subsidized housing or who is enrolled in the Section 8 Voucher/Certificate Program where heat is included in the rent, may be eligible for a $21 benefit if they have an electric bill in their name.

New HEAP applicants can apply online at www.mybenefits.ny.gov or by mail. Anyone who wants to apply in person should call to make an appointment. Appointments will not be scheduled until the program opens November 12, 2019. To request an appointment, call the Department of Social Services at 364-3480 or 364-3212, Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 5 PM.

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