Johnson and Johnson Jumps on the Political Bandwagon, Erases Israel Then Includes Palestine
The newest major company looking to wade into the political quagmire that is the middle east conflict has emerged, and this time it’s Johnson and Johnson.
News of a mind boggling move by the company was first spread by Marc Zell, VP of Republicans Overseas & Co-Chair Republicans Overseas Israel, on his X account, where he noted that J&J had removed Israel from its customer portal and replaced it with Palestine.
His announcement quickly caught attention, with one follower posting an image of the portal missing Israel and including the flag of “Palestine”.
By Sunday morning the portal had changed again, this time to include Israel, and Palestine.

Previous companies the have waded into the morass have come out less than wholesome, with the Unilever, another major company, being forced to restructure itself after a fiasco brought on by its Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream company.