Lawsuit Brought By Neighbors Of Khal Bnei Torah In Haverstraw Tossed By Federal Judge


In a second victory for Khal Bnei Torah (KBT) of Mount Ivy, a religious corporation that owns property at 62 Riverglen Drive in the Town of Haverstraw, a federal court dismissed a complaint brought by its neighbors that sought to have the Religious Land Use and Institutional Persons Act (RLUIPA) declared unconstitutional. The neighbors also sought to have KBT’s future occupancy of the property declared a public and private nuisance under state law.

Neighbors John Coritsidis, Tina Coritsidis and Kareen McKenzie filed suit in federal court in the Southern District of New York challenging RLUIPA as violating the federal constitution because it discriminates in favor of religion in violation of the Establishment Clause, which guarantees the free expression of religion but also prevents the government from passing laws that favor a particular religion.

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