Life Coaches Offering Sessions for Singles
Most of us envision ourselves finishing the “system”, finding a shidduch shortly thereafter and moving on to build a beautiful home with our spouse.
For some of us though, this has not been so simple; young men and women find themselves long out of the system, yet still searching, still waiting to find their bashert.
This is a challenging time in life, yet a time with precious opportunities as well. Opportunities to grow and explore oneself from deep within.
Have you ever wondered…
– How do I fill my time in a meaningful way when most of my friends are busy with families of their own?
– Is there trauma from a difficult experience or family situation that I should deal with, to be better prepared for married life?
– Does my current state of mind and behavior reflect the type of home I am dreaming to build?
– How can I keep myself in a positive frame of mind despite the “burn-out” that comes from years of shidduch searching?
– After so many years of living on my own, how can I ready myself to share my life with another?
– Is there something that may be holding up my shidduch other than just not finding the right one?
With the help of generous sponsors, we are now offering an opportunity to young men and women ages 26 and up to explore such topics, one-on-one with an experienced shidduch/life coach, for a nominal fee.
Sefira Gift is offering 2 one-hour sponsored coaching sessions. (If desired, additional sessions and fees can be discussed with each coach.)
To take advantage of this special opportunity, fill out the Google form below before Shavuos. Limited spots available.
This project is organized by anonymous individuals who care, in conjunction with Devora Krasnianski from Adai Ad. For questions, comments or sponsorship opportunities, feel free to email sefiragift@gmail.com.
May we celebrate many simchos!
To sign up for the Shidduch Sefira gift, click on this link: