Local Law Establishing Rockland County Office of Buildings and Codes Submitted
County Executive Ed Day submitted the draft Local Law to create an Office of Buildings and Codes to the County Legislature. This is the latest internal step to prepare to take over the functions of the Spring Valley Building Department as ordered by the New York State Department of State in the Designation and Order issued on November 16, 2021. This take over is the first of its kind in New York State.
To date Rockland County has utilized staff from the Office of Fire and Emergency Services, Facilities Department, Purchasing Department, Information and Technology Services, Law Department, Personnel Department, Finance Department, Office of Consumer Protection and the Office of the County Executive in an effort to prepare to assume administration and enforcement of the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and the State Energy Conservation Construction Code within the Village of Spring Valley effective February 14, 2022.
Rockland County has regularly met with the New York State Department of State to inform them of the steps that have been taken to prepare and with the Village of Spring Valley to gather data and identify the total number of occupancies that require inspection under the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code within the village.
Rockland County has determined the staffing needs of the new Office of Building and Codes, identified a space within the Village of Spring Valley to operate the Office, is preparing to remodel, upgrade and furnish the space with the necessary equipment and collaborated with the County Legislature on the Local Law. Rockland County will be ready on February 14, 2022, to take over the functions of the Spring Valley Building Department.
“The work conducted to date has largely been preparatory and organizational in nature. Once the Office of Building and Codes is officially created and staffed, information from all interested parties including residents, tenants, landlords, business owners, first responders, builders, developers, CUPON Inc. and the Illegal Housing Task Force can be submitted by phone, email or webform as has been done with the Rockland Codes Initiative. However, when preparing to administer ANY law, government must function as an impartial entity to ensure that competing interests are treated fairly,” said County Executive Ed Day.
In 2015 the County developed and launched the Rockland Codes Initiative to combat illegal housing and fire safety issues under the Rockland County Sanitary Code. The program has proved incredibly successful since then serving as a statewide model, generating more than 7,400 complaints, and issuing more than $2 million in fines for violations.
“Rockland has experience tackling first of their kind issues and a proven record of success. While ultimately this unprecedented issue exists between New York State and the Village of Spring Valley, Rockland County is preparing for all eventualities. We will take whatever action is necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents, business owners and first responders in Spring Valley,” said County Executive Ed Day.