LoHud Apologizes For Offensive Imagery In Upcoming Article

by Monsey.info

The Editor of LoHud, Mary Dolan, published an apology for an offensive image used for an upcoming article.

“On Monday, we posted a promotional illustration on Lohud’s social media channels whose words and imagery unintentionally featured an antisemitic trope,” Dolan wrote. ‘Within an hour, we deleted the posts containing the illustration, which was promoting an upcoming investigative story, after a reader contacted us pointing out this hurtful choice of imagery.”

As previously reported on Monsey.info, organizations such as Agudath Israel of America sounded the alarm on an incendiary promotional advertisement, which was captioned, “Rabbi holds the strings on $76M for East Ramapo School District… Coming Feb. 9.”

The article is said to be regarding Millions in allocations from the East Ramapo School District towards non-public entities.