Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin Visits Agudah Headquarters
Agudath Israel of America was honored to host Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin on Monday, for a meeting with Agudah and community leaders. The discussion at the meeting covered a slew of important topics, including antisemitism, zoning issues, and yeshiva education.
Councilmember and incoming Manhattan Boro President Mark Levine also attended, expressing that he is looking forward to continuing his friendship with Agudath Israel and the Orthodox Jewish community. Agudath Israel looks forward to continuing its relationship with Governor Kathy Hochul, and was excited to be able to meet with Eva Wyner, deputy director of Jewish affairs for the governor, who will be working alongside Jake Adler, director for Jewish affairs.
Over the course of the meeting, Lt. Governor Benjamin reaffirmed his commitment to fighting antisemitism. A specific issue of concern in this regard was addressing a bill passed by the New York legislature earlier this year. The bill established a Community Preservation Fund in Blooming Grove, a town adjacent to Kiryas Yoel in Orange County, but which in reality is aimed at restricting Orthodox Jews from living there. Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, director for New York affairs of Agudath Israel, introduced Joel Stern of the United Jewish Communities of Blooming Grove, who explained the history of the issue and what solutions might be implemented.
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel, went on to discuss the importance of yeshiva education, how parental choice and autonomy is a factor in this, and the highly effective outcomes a yeshiva program produces.
“Lt. Governor Benjamin showed his commitment to working with us and to helping our communities continue to grow and thrive in New York. I was singularly impressed by how well he grasped all of the issues at hand,” said Rabbi Zwiebel.
“It was an honor to have the Lt. Governor come and visit us,” said Rabbi Yeruchim Silber. “I look forward to continuing to work with him and Governor Hochul in benefitting the Orthodox Jewish community in New York.”