“Mezinke” With Chazzan Aryeh Hurwitz

There’s no question, Chazanus speaks to the soul. Chazanus touches the heart with the deep memory of thousands of years of mesorah. Chazanus moves the neshama as the foundational language of tefilah, which captivates the audience in a totally immersive musical experience. Deeply artistic cantorial music is making a resurgence in the Jewish world, and Aryeh Hurwitz has been singing alongside world-renowned cantors and internationally-recognized cantorial orchestras for several years. Mezinke is an album of recordings that are leading the industry. Aryeh Hurwitz presents fresh renditions of cantorial classics as well as niggunei Chabad in original arrangements that are a treat for the ear and nourishment for the neshama. A blend of traditional tunes with a modern dose of swing and jazz, Mezinke offers the authenticity of cantorial music and the interesting touch of Aryeh’s signature creativity. This is not an album to miss. Treat yourself to the experience of cantorial music like none other. The album will be available on all streaming platforms & wherever Jewish Music is sold.
Produced by: Ofir Sobol Accompanied by The S.F.Y. Philharmonic Orchestra & Choir Arranged & Conducted by: Dr. Mordechai Sobol OBM & Ofir Sobol Vocals Recorded & Mixed at Esshel Studios T-A Israel Engineered & Mixed by: Zohar Zaltz Marketing: I & Me Media Distributed by: MRM Music
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