Montreal Ice Storm Cuts Power to Millions Over the First Days of Pesach
by CrownHeights.info
Millions of people found themselves without power over the first days of Pesach after an ice storm struck Quebec, Canada.
Throughout the first days and into Shabbos, many Jewish families in Montreal found themselves in a quandary, with their Pesach food spoiling and no idea when the power would be restored.
According to Hydro-Quebec, over 1.1 million customers across Quebec lost power at the height of the storm, with some 900,000 having been restored by Motzei Shabbos.
Chaverim of Rockland, notified of the dire situation, went to work in assisting by providing generators to the homes of those without power, according to YeshivaWorldNews. A truck loaded with generators and camping equipment was loaded and sent o Montreal, providing residents with much needed power.