O&R Crews Working Through the Night Restored Service to Over 3,200
Power to more than 3,400 O&R customers was knocked out overnight due to high gusty winds and heavy rains. O&R crews have restored power to about 3,200 of those customers and continue to work to restore electric service to the remaining approximately 171 who remain out.
As of 5:15 a.m., here are the latest outage numbers:
Rockland County: 127
Orange County: 37
Sullivan County: 7
For the most up-to-date outage information, please go to O&R’s Outage Map
Safety Tips
For safety’s sake, don’t touch or approach any downed wire. Strong winds may knock trees and branches onto power lines, causing customers to lose service.
Restoring Service
Once it is safe to assess damage and begin restoration, crews will give priority to making repairs to critical and emergency facilities (police and fire stations, and hospitals, for example) and to those locations that will provide power to the most customers quickly. Then, crews will restore smaller outages and individual customers’ outages.
Health Tip
As an added safety precaution, O&R personnel have been instructed to practice social distancing with each other and members of the public when responding to emergency calls in an attempt to keep everyone safe from the coronavirus. O&R asks members of the public as well to maintain appropriate social distancing when they encounter O&R employees working in the field, to provide for mutual safety.
Reporting an Outage
If you experience a power outage, don’t assume that O&R automatically knows about it. You can report it and check to see when your lights will be back on through:
At oru.com/ReportOutage from any computer or web-based mobile device.
O&R mobile app from your iPhone, iPad or Android device — download via Apple Store or Google Play.
Text messaging by texting “OUT” to 69678 (myORU) or
Call 1-877-434-4100.
The following video describes the typical storm repair and power restoration process: https://youtu.be/JeGU8ID4_m0