Orange & Rockland Joins National Anti-scam Campaign To Protect Customers
Over the past year, criminals have been trying harder than ever to steal Orange & Rockland (O&R) customers’ hard-earned money through a variety of scams and they show no signs of stopping.
To spread the word about this risk, O&R, and its subsidiary Rockland Electric Company, are joining Con Edison and more than 140 electric, natural gas and water providers from across North America in dedicating this week to educating customers on how they can avoid becoming scam victims. The companies, members of Utilities United Against Scams, have declared the week of November 14 as National Utility Scam Awareness Week and Wednesday Utility Scam Awareness Day.
The theme of this year’s campaign is “End the Call, End the Scam.” Customers who receive a suspicious call should hang up and dial O&R’s Customer Service line at 1-877-434-4100 to determine whether the call was legitimate.