Parents of Yosef Shapiro Pen Letter of Appreciation To The Hundreds of Volunteers
Simcha Dovid and Basya Shapiro, the parents of six-year-old Yosef Shapiro who went missing during a camp trip in Canarsie Park, penned a letter of thanks to the hundreds of volunteers who searched for their son.
There are no words to express our Hakoras Hatov to Hashem for the safe return of our dear son Yosef, who was lost for six hours in Canarsie Park last Wednesday.
We thank all the organizations, led by Flatbush Shomrim and the NYPD, and the many hundreds of volunteers who came in from throughout the region,
men and women of all ages- our friends, neighbors and family,
and countless strangers who never knew our son.
They all braved the brutal heat, humidity, thunderstorms, and drenching rains while searching for hours into the dark of night.
We express tremendous gratitude to the tens of thousands around the world who were praying heartfelt tefilos for the safe return of Yosef.
We are humbled and inspired by the magnitude of the achdus, chesed and sharing of our burden that united klal Yisroel.
May this incredible unity be the merit that finally brings the Geulah.
Simcha Dovid and Basya Shapiro