PSA: Terra Chips No Longer Certified Bishul Yisroel


The Chof-K Kashrus organization released an alert Tuesday notifying the Jewish community that the popular Terra Chips brand will no longer be Bishul Yisroel.

“Effective immediately – Due to various considerations Terra Chips is no longer certified Bishul Yisroel,” the Chof-K wrote on their website. “Products which either have the Bishul Yisroel declaration or marked with a Julian Date of 29521 or earlier may still be considered Bishul Yisroel.”

Following some mistaken claims that the Terra Chips would no longer be certified under the Chof-K, the kashrus organization released a clarification that they will indeed continue to certify them.

“There are several social media platforms that have put out an alert that Terra Chips is no longer certified under the CHOF-K,” they wrote in their clarification. “Terra Chipd continues to be certified under the CHOF-K. As per the opinion of most poskim, chipd do not require Bishul Yisroel.”

The original Bishul Yisroel hechsher had been provided by the Chof-K as a way of increased chumrah, but even without, the CHOF-K continues to provide a hechsher.