Public Hearing on Spring Valley Buildings Department Continues Next Legislative Session, Vote Expected

The Rockland County Legislature opened a public hearing Tuesday on a proposed new law that would create an Office of Buildings and Codes and grant the authority for the office to operate.

The hearing remains open and will continue at the next full Legislature meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 1, after which a vote is expected. Public comment can be submitted until Feb. 1, or speakers may comment in person at the hearing.

Rockland County Legislature Chairman Jay Hood Jr. said the Legislative branch has been working with County Executive Ed Day and his staff to address the many issues that have resulted from the state Department of State’s directive requiring County government to take over safety inspections in the Village of Spring Valley.

“Even if we vote two weeks from now, Ed Day has promised to be ready to go,” Chairman Hood said. “We are not losing any time whatsoever.”

On Nov. 16, 2021, the County of Rockland was designated and ordered by then-New York Secretary of State Rossana Rosado to assume administration and enforcement of the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (Uniform Code) and the State Energy Conservation Construction Code (Energy Code) within the Village of Spring Valley. The directive is effective Feb. 14, 2022.

“Public safety is the foundation upon which everything else depends,” Chairman Hood said. “It is the most important function of any municipal government, and the people of Rockland County can rest assured that County government will continue to do our part to protect the health and safety of our residents, businesses and first responders.”

To submit public comment, please send emails to by 7 p.m. on Feb. 1.

To comment in person, please attend the hearing – 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 1 – to resume in the Legislative Chambers in the Allison-Parris County Office Building, 11 New Hempstead Road in New City.

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