Ramapo Gets “Bronze” Award For Traffic Safety
by Monsey.info
The Town of Ramapo received an unusual award this week in the form of AAA’s Bronze Award for Annual Traffic Safety Program.
“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a difficult year to maintain many of the traditional traffic safety efforts typically conducted,” the Ramapo POlice Department wrote. “However, the Town was cited for continuing and adjusting its many traffic safety efforts for 2020 including participating in a wide variety of enforcement programs such as Click It or Ticket, Stop DWI, and Buckle Up New York.”
AAA has long recognized communities that make outstanding efforts to make the region’s roads safer for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, using its Annual Traffic Safety Program Awards to give credit to outstanding municipalities.
AAA’s Traffic Safety Program also keeps on top of the most recent research in traffic, driver, and pedestrian safety.