Ramapo Police Investigating Skimmer Found in Local Store
by Monsey.info
The Ramapo Police Department is currently investigating an incident involving a skimmer device that was found installed on a self-checkout cash register at a local retail store.
“Please contact your bank if you observe any suspicious activity on your debit or credit cards,” the Ramapo Police Department wrote. “If you find that you were a victim of a skimming activity that occurred within the town of Ramapo please contact RPD.”
The store involved in the incident was not reported by the police, with the investigation ongoing.
Skimmers are illegal card readers attached to payment terminals. These card readers grab data off a credit or debit card’s magnetic stripe without your knowledge, stealing the information and allowing criminals to sell the stolen data or use it to buy things online. You may not know your information has been stolen until you get your statement or an overdraft notice.