Ramapo Police Weekly Report
Here is a summary of the Ramapo Police Department’s activity for the week of November 14th, 2021 through November 20th, 2021.
1500 Police Blotters Including:
-58 Alarm Activations,
-31 Fire Related Calls,
-530 Community Policing Reports; 107 of which were school related,
-15 Domestic Incidents 4 of which resulted in arrests.
-77 Motor Vehicle Crashes, 6 of which involved injuries, 7 of which were Leaving the Scene Crashes,
-176 Medical Emergencies
Arrests for the week involved various charges including Assault, Burglary, Criminal Contempt, Criminal Mischief, Criminal Nuisance, Criminal Possession of Stolen Property, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, Forgery, Harassment, Local, Petit Larceny, Unlawfully Dealing with a Child, Warrant Arrests and Traffic Offenses.