Rockland Emergency Services Join Together For Active Shooter Drill In Evergreen Supermarket
by Monsey.info
Evergreen Supermarket became the hotbed of activity Monday morning as emergency personnel rushed to the scene of an active shooter. Thankfully, it was only a drill.
The lifelike scenarios played out in the isles of Evergreen Supermarket and Town Square Mall involving law enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, and volunteer organizations.
Officers of the Ramapo Police Department scoured the stores and isles armed to the teeth, as they simulated a complex active shooter situation with multiple injuries and assailants.
The entire drill included volunteers from the William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Spring Hill Community Ambulance Corps, Hatzoloh EMS of Rockland County, Chaverim of Rockland, and Rockland Paramedic Services.
“RPD thanks Josh Hans (EMT-P and Program Coordinator for the Town of Ramapo Office of Emergency Preparedness and Safety) & Dr. Jeff Rabrich (Ramapo Police Surgeon & Operational Medical Support Instructor) for developing the medical trauma scenarios and managing that portion of the training,” the Ramapo Police Department posted on Social Media. “We also thank Chaverim of Rockland for providing role-play personnel, local EMS agencies for participating, and Rockland EMS Coordinators & Director Strattner of the Rockland County Police Academy for attending.”
A special thanks was also extended to Evergreen Supermarket for permitting the department to utilize their facility, including opening several hours later than normal so the training could take place.
“We would also like to recognize Sgt. Bassett, our Principal Firearms Instructor & Lt. Youngman for coordinating this valuable multi-agency training event,” they wrote.