Rockland Executive Pens Opposition To COVID Health Mandates

On Friday Rockland County Executive Ed Day wrote to the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) requesting they refrain from making emergency public health regulations, which were issued during the COVID-19 pandemic, permanent without fully consulting with the public.

The New York State Department of Health seeks to require vaccinations for all employees, personnel, and volunteers for entities falling under the definition of hospital which includes hospices, adult care facilities, and nursing homes.

Another proposal would require face masks for any person over the age two, if deemed necessary by the Commissioner of Health, in public places which may include schools, public transit, homeless shelters, and large-scale venues with violators subject to civil and criminal penalties and up to $1,000 fine for each violation.

County Executive Day wrote, “I’m frustrated by the lack of transparency by NYSDOH which openly admits in the Regulatory Impact Statement and Regulatory Flexibility Analysis in these proposals that there was no consulting done with local governments and small businesses. Furthermore, there has been ample time for NYSDOH to consult with representatives from each of these sectors regarding the formal adoption of these requirements. I’m extremely troubled about the lack of clarity on this issue, especially with the public, and stress that these determinations should not be made lightly.”

The NYSDOH is accepting public comments through February 13, 2022, which can be submitted to:
NYS Department of Health
Bureau of Program Counsel, Regulatory Affairs Unit
Corning Tower Building, Room 2438
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12237
(518) 473-7488

See the proposed law change below: