Shazak Parsha Post – Parshas Naso
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Nazir: A New Spiritual Trend
For those who need a spiritual high, Moshe Rabbeinu has recently unveiled a unique path of divine service: “The Nazir,” who accepts upon himself 1. not to drink wine, 2. let his hair grow long, and 3. stay away from all impure things.
Among those considering adopting this lifestyle is Shmerel Sheinkeit from the tribe of Ephraim. “I have a habit of spending way too much time combing my hair and shopping for multicolored coats,” said Sheinkeit to TNS fashion writer, Tiferet Tilboshet. “My mother told me that it is an old habit in our family, something Grandfather Yosef used to do. Anyway, it has gotten to the point that I have no time to learn Torah, no time for prayers and no time for serious spiritual stuff. No time to read Shazak Parsha, Out of Egypt, Queen of Persia, Miracle Lights… not even The Parsha Post! I’m hoping that becoming a Nazir for at least a month will help me form better habits.”
Holy Blessings
It’s a mere 15 words long, yet the recently unveiled Priestly Blessing has generated much excitement. Standing in the Mishkan, visitors were thrilled when Aharon raised his hands in a special formation and recited the blessing to all.
“I especially love how this blessing ends with the word ‘Shalom,’ peace,” noted Mrs. Peninah Pikelschnitzel. “And what a perfect blessing from Aharon, who is famous for bringing peace and harmony to families – it’s called Shalom-Bayis!”
“And let’s not forget,” added her husband, Mr. Peretz Pikelschnitzel, “HaShem is the One really blessing us. No wonder the Kohanim lift their hands during Birkas-Kohanim! It’s HaShem blessing us through the Priests!”
“I would never look at the Kohen during Birkas-Kohanim,” noted little Puah Pikelschnitzel. “My parents told me not to. They said that HaShem’s presence, the Shechinah, rests on them. That’s too HOLY to look at!”
“And I heard,” added her brother Pinchas Pikelschnitzel, “that the Kohen positions his fingers to make five spaces between them. Fascinating!”
Princes Contribute Custom Carts
On the very same day that the Mishkan was completed, the princes of the 12 Tribes came with a unique gift: six ox-drawn carts to transport the heavy beams and fabrics of the Mishkan. The carts were designed to be the perfect size without an inch to spare. Each of the princes also donated a collection of silver vessels, fine flour kneaded in oil, incense, and many animals to be sacrificed upon the new altar.
“Truly amazing!” shouted the highly excited Nesanel ben Tzuar, Prince of Yissachar. “It was my idea first, but everyone got into the spirit of things. They all ended up giving the exact same gifts, but they weren’t just copy-cats, I mean copy-Nesi’im – each prince brought it with so much joy… as if they themselves ‘owned’ the idea!”
Rosenblatt’s Birkas-Kohanim Voice Lessons
Are you a Kohen and horse hoarse? Want to improve your Birkas-Kohanim skill and technique? Wonder how to expand your vocal range?
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